We have added the ability to reset books remotely from Tempo! This feature is now available for all Jukeboxes running OS2 Software V.2.25.3-18 or higher. We expect to add support for G3 & G3+ software versions later this year.

This is a great feature for venues that you trust with a key, venues that are very far away, venues that are all or mostly mobile revenue or simply when you forgot to reset your books after performing an in-person collection*.

To use the feature, simply choose your jukebox from the LOCATIONS list, navigate to the COLLECTION > CURRENT tab and click the $ Collect button.

You will receive the following confirmation screen. Clicking "Confirm" will initiate a Remote Collection on this jukebox, the same as tapping "Reset Books" on the jukebox's Manager screen. Collection Details will be saved in the History tab. This action will reset this jukebox’s revenues to zero and cannot be undone.

After clicking Confirm, you will either receive a notification of that your collection was successful or a notification to refresh the CURRENT tab in a few minutes to verify that your revenues have been reset to zero.

Once the collection is confirmed, you can click its dollar amount in the HISTORY tab to open the Collection Details.

* Since in most cases, physical cash will not be removed at the exact time that books are reset remotely, the physical cash in the jukebox at the time of your next collection may not match the amount on the bookkeeping screen. This is expected behavior.