At this time, TouchTunes does not support online ordering directly through Tempo, but we do have a new TouchTunes Online Store which can be accessed at or by simply clicking the SHOP quick link icon on the lefthand Tempo menu.

By clicking SHOP, you will be redirected out of Tempo to the Online Store login page. If it is your first time, you will need to click the "Let's Go" button and fill out your information to request access to the Online Store. Otherwise, simply login with your Online Store credintials! (Note that your Tempo credentials are different than your Online Store credentials).

TouchTunes will also allow access to additional users for your account following approval from your company's main account contact. Your TouchTunes account manager will contact you/them to approve access for each additional user after our receipt of a completed request form is submitted.
Once approved, we will activate an Online Store account and you will receive a welcome email with a temporary password to gain access to the Online Store. After clicking the link, you will just need to set-up a password for future Online Store use. If you would like to set-up multiple users at one time, please reach out to your TouchTunes account manager.
If you need to order an in-warranty replacement part ("RA"), please call technical support at 847-353-1954.
If you need to order a part for an out of warranty jukebox, you can also call your TouchTunes sales rep at 847-419-3300 or your local TouchTunes distributor!